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19Q's with Mindy Scott

08 May 2019 0 Comments

Meet Mindy Scott, a Gibson International Women's Day collaborator, business women, fund raising aficionado and instagram magnet. And if you listened to the Gibson Look Instagram story yesterday, you will have noticed that Mindy is a natural in the world of social media broadcast. We are thrilled to introduce her as one of our Gibson IWD Influencers. Enjoy her Q19's below.


1. What makes you laugh? Cheesy obvious humor... I am an easy laugh and I still love watching SNL.

2. What era/decade of fashion is your favorite? Toss up between 70s and 80s for sure. Big hair for the win.

3. Is there a consistent color palette that defines your life? What is the predominant color in your closet? My go to color is patterns. I love mixing prints and having fun with clothing. No one color that defines me but rather a mix of all colors... the more the merrier.

4. What is your first closet favorite you ever remember owning? A hand painted t-shirt that was covered in pink glitter. I grew up around horses and it was a hand painted shirt of my favorite horse. I still have it in a keepsake box! :)

5. Tell us three things about you no one knows. Oh man! I am a pretty open book. But some things this audience may not know is that I want to go swimming with whale sharks, I was on the show Wheel of Fortune a few years ago, and I have a heart shaped uterus.... this last one is something I recently found out and it has been a cause for some stress but I am embracing it, learning from it and celebrating the fact that I have so much love to give even my uterus is shaped like a heart! Hows that for a positive spin?? :)

6. How would you define your fashion style at age 8, 16, 21 and today? I think my fashion sense at age 8 was in its truest form. I had no influence other than my own choices and I was already mixing prints. My mom loves to tell the story about the time I came back with leopard print top, multicolored blazer, pink glitter pants, with light pink fringe cowboy boots and this was the outfit I picked for my first day of school. I didn't know I was chubby then.... I didn't know splatter paint multicolor glasses were "dorky", and I sure as heck didn't know this is not was I was supposed to wear together. I was happy, uninfluenced, and living my best life. Age 16 I was very into sports and trying to be cool. By age 21 I was learning to love myself more and more everyday but I didn't really get back to the fashion that is truly me until I was about 30. This is when plus size fashion really started to catch up and I was able to find clothes that fit my body and my love of fun fashion.

7. What song would best describe your life? I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston - epic!

8. Is blogging your full time job or are you working somewhere else as well? I work full time for a non-profit, plus I own my own business (@mindycityweddings), and I blog when I can.

9. What is the most satisfying aspect of your life? Wow! Such a great questions. I am most satisfied with the fact that I love myself and I have a partner that encourages, accepts, and empowers me every day! I feel truly blessed to be who I am, to help others on a daily basis through my job, and to live as authentically as I can.

10. (pause) What is the least? Oh man.... I guess I will be super honest and say the least satisfying is that I am not a very patient person. When I want something, I work hard for it and I always try. I am usually able to find a way to get what I want and the struggle to have a child has been something we have been working through for over a year now. I am still working on it and working to accept the challenges ahead that come from having a heart shaped uterus, but it is a lot harder of a journey than I expected. So all in all I am learning a new kind of self love and learning that I can't always just try harder. Some things take time.

11. When you were eight years old, what did you want to be? What was your childhood passion? I wanted to be a veterinarian or a marine biologist.... basically I wanted to play with animals all day.

12. What was your favorite subject in school? What book defines, or impacted, your childhood? Your last decade? I can't think of any books that defined my childhood... I think I was a lot more defined by my friendships and my experience as a PAL (Peer Assistance Leader). This was a training that I was chosen to be a part of when I was in 5th grade. There was a small group of us trained as PALs to help others in our grade as we all entered into middle and high school. We were equipped with communication skills and conflict resolution skills that I still rely on today. It was an amazing program that taught empathy and understanding for what others might be going through.... if we can put ourselves in someone elses shoes, it is so much easier to find common ground and ultimately find a solution to any problem.

13. Who or what had the greatest impact on you as a child? As an adult? So many people... it's hard to choose just one. My parents and my sisters.... my grandmothers.... so many strong women in my life. I think as an adult I am most impacted by my husband... he is my best friend, supporter... he is my number one fan and he has helped me in so many ways. I feel like I am not answering this one with enough magnitude or appreciation for all of my loved ones, but there truly is not enough space or words to say all I have in my heart.

14. What was the inspiration for your blog? I only have instagram at this point but I think I need to start a real blog... do you? Would you follow it? The inspiration for my instagram is to empower women and to show plus size women that we can wear whatever we want. We don't have to apologize for our bodies, our style, etc and we deserve great clothing too. All in all I want to show plus size women that we don't have to blend in. The world is not a competition between women, we should all build each other up instead of comparing ourselves and wasting time on things that don't matter. I love the @i_weigh movement which helps focus on what defines us as far as who we are instead of our weight...check it out, it's very uplifting.

15. What do you feel is the most important aspect of your blogging work? The ability to connect with women who are going through similar things and may feel alone. We can create a safe, empowering place to help each other even if it is just online for now, this empowerment will translate into everyday life and help to make a difference.

16. Do you remember your first introduction to Gibson Look? My first Gibson piece was purchased from Nordstrom Rack and I was so excited when they reached out to me last year for a blogging collaboration. I had been a long time fan of the brand and I am so excited to see them continue their work to bring more extended sizes your way!

17. Describe the Gibson X International Women's Day Collaboration in 19 words or less. A collaborative celebration of women and fashion! I only need 7 words :)

18. What nonprofit organization have you chosen to benefit from your relationship with the Gibson IWD Collection? I chose CARE because that is where I work full time and I truly believe in the work we do. We are making a difference not only in the field but in the space of thought leadership, innovation, and experience (we have been around for over 70 years).

19. Why were they your choice? They were my choice because we focus on empowering women and girls as the way to end global poverty. When women and girls succeed, we all succeed.

Any final thoughts? Thank you! I am so grateful for this experience!
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