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Meaningful Moments This Thanksgiving, From the Founder

22 Nov 2023 0 Comments

Dear Gibsonlook Community,

This year, I've been practicing a new approach (for me) to a gratitude ritual.
Each day, I pause in the morning or evening to jot down the small, meaningful
moments of appreciation. This routine of daily reflection, culminating in a broader
monthly review, has been a highlight throughout the year. It's also been a great
reminder for me to practice one of our core company values:
Live in and treasure the moments. Which I found I need to work on every day.

A predominant daily mention is always you, our incredible community! Your being
here, supporting and giving feedback, whether through product reviews or comments on social platforms, emails, and voice messages, is the heartbeat of our business. Your engagement helps us dive in with purpose and optimism even amidst our biggest challenges and busiest days. And to you, we express our deepest gratitude. You make the moments much more meaningful.

Embracing small, daily moments of appreciation can profoundly affect how we experience time, often making joyful moments feel extended and more fulfilling. To help you savor these moments, we're excited to share some ideas that could help. We'd love to hear from you, too—please feel free to share your own family traditions and thoughts below in the comments!

1. Explore New Paths: Science suggests that the unfamiliar can slow our perception of time. So, take a new route to your usual destination - thinking Over the River and Through the Woods! This simple change can transform an everyday walk or drive into a novel adventure, allowing you to experience something new and triggering joy.

2. Create a New Holiday Tradition: Research indicates that new activities stimulate our brains differently. This holiday, explore a new tradition with your loved ones. It could be anything from a new game to a walk after dinner, listening to stories on Audible, or watching a different type of holiday movie. We’ve gathered our recommendations below!

Music we’ll be mashing potatoes to:
Gibsonlook’s Thanksgiving Playlist

Games we will be playing after dinner:
- Five Crowns (a card game for up to 7 players similar to Rummy!)
- Moose Master (this game will have you laughing all night!)
- Skyjo (a card game for up to 8 players, and fun for all ages!)
- Settlers of Catan (a classic for competitive siblings!)
- Monopoly (Never a dull moment…) *If you prefer a much shorter version of Monopoly, we love Monopoly Deal!

Movies we will be cozying up to:
- Elf (it’s the 20 year anniversary this year!)
- The Holiday
- National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
- Love Actually
- The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and The Horse

Audibles we will be listening to on our drive:
- 101 Dalmations
- How The Grinch Stole Christmas
- Little Women
- A Wrinkle In Time
- Mary Poppins

3. Engage in a Creative Activity: Delving into a new hobby can increase dopamine levels in the brain, as studies show. This neurotransmitter brings pleasure and can make these moments feel more enriched and extended. Play a game of Pickle Ball; choose to start a Holiday Puzzle or family/group Yoga. 

4. Mindful Meals with a Twist: Trying a new recipe can be a delightful quest, though keeping it easy on a day like Thanksgiving is necessary! Culinary Neuroscience makes dining experiences more engaging and memorable. Imagine the first time you had a new type of food (good and bad!), and you'll likely recall a lot of extra details about that meal.

*We're going to try these little beauties for a Thanksgiving Breakfast treat with Powdered Sugar and Syrup! But they would also be a delicious compliment to Thanksgiving Dinner.

5. Pause and Reflect on New Experiences: Taking time to reflect on new experiences will heighten your sense of gratitude. This practice, supported by mindfulness research, can also expand the perception of time, making each day more memorable. 🥰

Questions for Reflecting:
What is one unexpected moment you’re thankful for today?
What did you love about today?
What was your favorite moment of the holiday weekend?
What moments will you recreate next year?

With heartfelt thanks, we wish you and your family and friends a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving filled with moments that remind you of the magnificence in the smallest things.

Happy Thanksgiving and Cheers to the moments!
Suzie Turner

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