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19 Questions with Rebecca Wattenschaidt

01 May 2019 0 Comments

Meet Rebecca one of Gibson's featured Influencers in the upcoming International Women's Day Collection. She is a powerful woman with a phenomenal stamina who is the creative voice behind Mommy In Heels, an online community of women who support and encourage each others passions and dreams. Rebecca is the founder of #MoreThanASize, a program which encourages women (and men) of all shapes and sizes to define themselves as so much more that a number. We are thrilled to introduce her as one of our Gibson International Women's Day collaborators. Enjoy her19Q!

1. What makes you laugh? I love to laugh, so it doesn't take much! My husband really makes me laugh. He is full of Dad jokes, which are so lame but so funny! I laugh at myself a lot too! A good tv show-nothing beats a good, laugh out loud show! 
2. What era/decade of fashion is your favorite? Oh man, this is hard! I love so many different decades for so many reasons! I truly love the 50's, but I could never be a housewife in that era so that's out-haha! I also don't think I am dainty enough to pull off some of those skirts and dresses! What I do love, and think I could totally pull off is late 60's early 70's fashion. Bold colors, prints, the boots, the hair and makeup. 
3. Is there a consistent color palette that defines your life? What is the predominant color in your closet? I wouldn't say there is a color palette that I am drawn to specifically, but I never say no to warm colors. I feel like I wear color well in general, but it always seems to be warmer tones that I gravitate towards! Mustard yellow stands out in my closet. I will buy that color in any way shape or form! The handful of sweaters I have in that color (all the same but different, of course) are proof!
4. What is your first closet favorite you ever remember owning? Seventh grade-I had a pair of purple (like a plum purple) Doc Marten Mary Janes. I wore them every single day-it didn't matter if they matched or not. I remember feeling so cool because they were Doc Marten's! They were expensive (are they still expensive?!) so I remember them being the first, super nice item that I owned. I of course wrote and doodled all over the soles (still surprised that my parents let me do that), but that was the cool thing to do with your Docs!
5. Are you married? Yes! Ryan and I will celebrate 14 years this April. We were babies when we got married! We graduated from college in 2004 and got married in 2005-so young and well rested! 
6. How did you and your husband meet? Do you remember the spark moment when you knew he was the one? We met at college! I remember seeing him at freshman summer orientation and thought he was so hot (which I shared with my Dad-I am sure he was thrilled). Little did I know that he saw me as well and talked about me all summer to his best friend and how I would be his! He didn't know my name, so he called me "Miss Capri" (I was wearing capri pants that day). When school started, we were at freshman orientation and were randomly paired together for the infamous Freshman Walk that our college had at the time. 
From there, he started timing when he left for his 8:00 am classes so we would run into each other, he did the cutest things to try and impress me (like sharing that he had two jet skis. The jet skis have since been sold, but I guess he is still worth it without them-haha!), and eventually we kissed! I still remember that night like it was yesterday!
We were engaged our sophomore year of college so I guess you could say we knew pretty quickly. Ultimately though, it was the way he treated me, treated my friends, and my family. He was and still is just a genuinely nice and caring guy. That is just something that has always stood out to me about him and made me realize he is a keeper. 
7. What song would best describe your marriage? Adam Sandler's I Wanna Grow Old With You. But also the opening theme song to the tv show Everybody Love's Raymond. Because that show is us-lol! If anyone watches that show, we have our very own "suitcase on the stair" moments all the time! 
8. Is blogging your full-time job or are you working somewhere else as well? Blogging is not my only full time job! I own a boutique, Elizabeth & West Fashion House. I have a store front in addition to an e-commerce site so it is quite the undertaking! I will be celebrating 5 years in business this May. It is a dream come true to be able to own and operate a boutique!
9. Do you have children? What is the most satisfying aspect of combining motherhood and a career? I have two daughters-Ella will be 11 in April and Charlotte is 6. The most satisfying aspect of combining motherhood and a career is showing my girls that you can have it all, it's just important to realize that everyone's description of what "all" is, is different. It doesn't have to be one or the other, it can be both if you want it to be. I am fortunate in that I am truly living my dream as far as my career, so I love that my girls get to see what the rewards are for working hard towards what you want. Reversely, I have failed so many times in my business (and personally, too). They've been witness to it-while the failures aren't always my finest moments, they see that I mess up, learn/grow from it and move on!
10. (pause) What is the least? Ugh where do I begin, lol! There is never enough time. I always feel like I need to be doing more to grow my business and my brand, but then I worry I am neglecting my family. When I feel like I need to be more present with my girls and my husband at times, I worry I am neglecting my business, and then I won't be successful or be able to contribute financially to my family. The stress is a lot too. I get stressed easily, and when I get stressed my patience decreases and that brings on those parenting moments where you want a do over! At the end of the day though, no matter what kind of a parent I was that day whether it be good or bad, my girls always give me a hug, kiss and an "I love you" which is the absolute most important thing to me. 
11. When you were eight years old, what did you want to be? What was your childhood passion? Yikes that's almost 30 years ago! I remember at one point when I was little wanting to be a lawyer or a professional baseball player. It's not that I was good (although I did hit a grand slam once when I played softball) at baseball, it was because girls aren't allowed to play. So random, I know! I loved, and still love theater. I started doing plays/musicals/theater camp when I was in elementary school and continued all through college! I haven't done a show since I graduated-I miss the stage! Being Elle Woods in Legally Blonde is my dream role! 
12. What was your favorite subject in school? What did you study in college? Definitely Drama class (for obvious reasons) and English. Give me a presentation or a paper to write any day over a test! In college I studied Business. I graduate with a BS in Business Administration with concentrations in Marketing and Communications.
13. Who or what had the greatest impact on you as a child? As an adult? So cliche, but my parents! My dad is a retired teacher and my mom is a nurse. As an adult with children now, looking back I realize how much tag teaming and coordinating they had to do to raise two children while both working full time (and without the convenience of cell phones, too!). It's funny though, I never remember neither of them not being at any of my talent shows, music concerts, plays, etc. They were always there, and always put my brother and me first. They were and still are the true definition of loving parents, devoted spouses and now adoring grandparents. My brother and I are insanely lucky to have them. Even more so now as adults! I feel like the older I get (and the older my girls get) the more I need them! I am always calling with "how do I handle this?" or sending my mom pictures followed by "should we see a doctor about this?"
14. What was the inspiration for your blog? As a Mom, it's so easy to put yourself last. I didn't want to be that Mom-I knew what it would do to me mentally and emotionally if I lost myself in parenting. I wanted my blog to be a place to not only share outfit ideas but also something to hold me accountable-It forced me to get dressed each day, do my hair and makeup! Something so minor but crucial for me!
15. What do you feel is the most important aspect of your blogging work? Being able to inspire other women to love themselves, try new styles and take time for themselves has evolved into one of the most important aspects of my blog. It makes me feel so good!
16. Do you remember your first introduction to Gibson Look? Yes! My Gibson joggers, which I wear probably far too much but I just can't help it, were my first Gibson piece. I can't even count how many pieces I own now-my collection is growing! My joggers though are still my favorite! 
17. Describe the Gibson X International Women's Day Collaboration in 19 words or less. A collaborative effort of amazing, diverse and passionate women that will inspire others through stories and stylish clothing!
18. What nonprofit organization have you chosen to benefit from your relationship from the Gibson X IWD Collection? I chose the Movemeant Foundation
19. Why were they your choice? My journey to loving myself has been long and not easy. At 37 I am finally feeling content and happy with who I am. It wasn't always that way, especially in my adolescent/teen/young adult years. I chose Movemeant because they empower girls and women by providing resources, opportunities and physical activities as a tool to build confidence and self worth. s://

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